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Боковая панель для ОС Windows XP/Vista. Thoosje Vista sidebar по выбору
пользователя может включать на Рабочем столе строку поиска в Google,
Yahoo и в других поисковых системах, панель управления Windows Media
Player, принятые RSS каналы и полученную информацию о погоде,
Календарь, часы и много разных расширений, отображающих сведения об
активности компьютера. Можно вывести данные входящего/исходящего
трафика, об активности жесткого диска, загрузки процессора и
оперативной памяти, а также отобразить текущее время работы компьютера.
Программа поддерживает визуальные оболочки (скины), причем, не только
для главной панели, но и для отдельных её элементов (часы, календарь).
По утверждению разработчиков, их боковая панель, по сравнению с
аналогичной панелью ОС Vista, занимает на 50 процентов меньше
оперативной памяти.
Thoosje Sidebar
Our Vista sidebar for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista has gadgets like
media players, google search, yahoo search and lots of more search
engines. It has also vista sidebar gadgets like weather and system
uptime and lots of more useful gadgets. The sidebar uses 50% less RAM
and is faster than the original Microsoft Sidebar with more extras and
works on Microsoft Windows Vista and XP. Thoosje's Vista Sidebar is
also part of the Vista Transformation Pack that turns your XP OS into
Windows Vista.
Organize your gadgets in Thoosje Vista Sidebar
Thoosje Vista Sidebar works on Windows XP and Windows Vista. Gadgets
are easy to use mini applications that give you information at a glance
and provide easy access to frequently used tools. Thoosje Vista Sidebar
helps you to organize your gadgets. As you use your computer to access
information, perform tasks, and interact with software, you may at
times feel like you're facing information overload. You have to open a
web browser just to check the weather, open an application to view your
calendar, and open a calculator program just to add up a few numbers.
Now, with Windows Sidebar and its associated mini-applications called
gadgets, the specific information you need is at your fingertips.
Gadgets are mini applications with a variety of possible uses. They can
connect to web services to deliver business data, weather information,
news updates, traffic maps, even slide shows of photo albums. Gadgets
can also integrate with other programs to provide streamlined
interaction. For example, a gadget can give you a view of all your
online instant messaging contacts, the day view from your calendar, or
an easy way to control your media player. Gadgets can also have any
number of dedicated purposes. They can be Search Gadgets, Clocks,
sticky notes, and more.
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